I really like B and C the most with a bold font .
- Adaptation Part A (29)
- Adaptation Part B (56)
- Character Project (18)
- Fantastic Voyage (30)
- Maya (89)
- Narrative (28)
- Secret Lairs (19)
- Storytelling and commission (40)
Friday, 31 January 2014
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Colour test- Adaptation
I took Phil's advise and looked at 50's wall paper and used those colour to help find my colour palette, I really like D I think that it has the correct tone for the info graphic.
Adaptation part A- Colour test for the characters and background
I like the colour combination of A it was very hard to find a red and blue that complimented each other currently I have colours that are close to B but this is too dark and the C and D are too washed out.
Maya-Rope Normal maps , Ambient Occlusion Maps and base Diffuse maps
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Updated Environments initial designs - Adaptation part A
I like numbers 5 and 3 please comment below which kettle you think would work best with which stove. I think that 5 B or 3B would look good together.
The designs that I like for the stove are letters B and C please comment below for any suggestions for which designs I should go foreword with.
Adaptation part A - animatic intro test with set design
This test was just to play with the transitions to see if they were working, it has timing issues at the end but I just wanted to share what I have been up to. After speaking to Alan the infographic will now have a new set and incorporate text in a bolder way.
I will be keeping the Characters the same but the environment will be changing along with the staging of the info graphic.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Adaptation Part A - Environment designs
I really like A, just having the line art and the a soft texture for the background is a lot nicer and doesn't take way the focus from the characters.
I really like the shape of F but I also like the union jack print but i'm not sure if this will be too much for the scene.
This is the idea for the hole that the family have created to keep their massive cup of tea, I like the overall look but i'm not sure if the room should just be empty with a ladder or if it needs more to it.
Updated Script
With every step the wife becomes more limp and slumped and tired so that by the last step she is exhausted and really deserves a sip of tea because making the cup of tea is very exhausting.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Adaptation part A - Character development
The characters in the Final Info-graphic will be silhouettes I will be playing with colours and prints so that they characters are in the colours of the british flag.
Friday, 24 January 2014
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Logo Ideas- Adaptation
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Mudbox lesson 2
We had a go at making our own brushes to play with in mudbox, I made a brush that I used to create hair.
Initial sketches for Adaptation part A
I really like the boil that the background has in this animation, this could be added to the backgrounds in the environment to bring some life into the set or props but I would like to do a test once i have my set and characters to decide wether or not it will work with the style that I want to achieve.
I also really like the style of this animation especially the characters, which is something that I am aiming towards in terms of styles, this style mixed with the boil above would be ideal for me.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Adaptation part B- Festival Research
The festivals that I currently like at the moment are as followed; The Obon festival, The Holi festival, The Jaisalmer Desert festival and the Songkran water festival. I would like some feedback on what everyone else thinks about the festivals and which ones people likes because I only want to develop three festival characters.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Life drawing
Life drawing was fun I enjoyed the the close up studies of feet and hands because I want to learn how to draw hands an feet better.
Influence maps - Adaptation Part A
Above are the influence maps for 1950's British kitchens and I have added some of the objects that are I want to interact with in script three.
I also created an influence map for british women of the 1950's I image my house wife to be a little out of shape and middle aged and to have curlers in her hair but to be dressed in the traditional 50's attire.
Above are the influences for the children that will be in the info graphic two of the children will be babies and one will be around five years old.
Adaptation part A- Script idea
When creating the script I needed more facts and information so broadened the facts from just situating about feminism but to be about strong female figures and feminism facts that are not only situated around the 50's and 60's but spread through from the suffragettes to 70's when feminism was in full swing. I've only incorporated the facts that I thought were most relevant and interesting. I've still left the set in the 50's because this period wasn't as strong for feminism and women were expected to stay in a very traditional role. I think that this will compliment the making a cup of tea voice over and compliment the feminist facts.
I really like this script but I would like feed if any of the transitions are not working or if the facts need to appear in a different way.
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