Monday, 1 October 2012

Life drawing

After having my first life drawing class i decided that i needed more practice on capturing an image/poses quickly. So everyday that I have travelled to UCA, I have used my train journey to practice drawing people. It has forced me to draw quickly, because people keep moving or shifting their positions.  I Also don't know how long they will stay on the train, so i have to draw quickly.




1 comment:

  1. Hey Peta these sketches are looking great! It's really good that you're managing to get the whole figure on the page in the limited time for each drawing there is. Also the proportions are looking really good!

    Most of all though it's great to see that you are taking your life drawing beyond the lessons. This will definitely prove to make your sketches even better!
    There is something very Hopper esc about some of the poses your subjects are in :)
