Sunday, 12 January 2014

Adaptation Part B

  Idea no.1

To created a selection of characters from festivals around the world the characters would embody the festivals and would be a manifestation of what the festival represents. There would be a collection of 3 characters that represent three different countries and their festivals.

Top  Ten interesting festivals that I found

                 .     The desert festival of Jaisalmer India

                 .     The carnival of Rio Dejenerio

                 .     The Obon Festivals (Japan)

                 .     The San Fermina Festival Pamplona Spain ( running of the bulls)

                 .     Songkran Water festival Thailand

                 .     Albuquerque  international Balloon festival New mexico

                 .     Monkey buffet festival Lopburi, Thailand

                 .     Snow and Ice festivals Harbin china

                 .     Holi celebrated by  Indians around the year to celebrate the beginning of spring

                 . Carnival Di Venezia

Idea no. 2

To create characters that  represent some of the wonders of the earth
 Like the Niagara falls, or the pyramids.

Idea 3
To creating characters out of national dishes from around the world.

My favourite Idea is no.1 I'm still not sure what the characters would be used for but I could envisioned  them being in a parade. For all of the ideas I would like to create a final turn around that had a little bit of animation that was suited for the character for example making them float if they were some sort of spirit creature or if they had wings making the wings flap in the turnaround. 

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